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    The article discusses points of views on the organization and implementation of monitoring in the field of physical culture and sports, in particular in the system of highly qualified junior athletes training. The  article presents consideration of the problems in monitoring  of the long-term system of athletes training, based on a three-component innovative approach to the system of sports  training, which will allow  to carry out more competent and balanced scientific and methodological steps in managing the athletes training during the educational and training processes.The article discusses points of views on the organization and implementation of monitoring in the field of physical culture and sports, in particular in the system of highly qualified junior athletes training. The  article presents consideration of the problems in monitoring  of the long-term system of athletes training, based on a three-component innovative approach to the system of sports  training, which will allow  to carry out more competent and balanced scientific and methodological steps in managing the athletes training during the educational and training processes


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    The article considers modern views on the organization and conduct of regular monitoring in the field of physical culture and sports, in particular in the system of long-term training of highly qualified and young athletes. The paper presents a problematic review of monitoring in the long-term system of training athletes. The main aspects of monitoring in the system-structural approach in the preparation of high-class athletes are presented and the effectiveness of solving this issue in the management of athletes ' training during the training process and competitive activities is shown.The article considers modern views on the organization and conduct of regular monitoring in the field of physical culture and sports, in particular in the system of long-term training of highly qualified and young athletes. The paper presents a problematic review of monitoring in the long-term system of training athletes. The main aspects of monitoring in the system-structural approach in the preparation of high-class athletes are presented and the effectiveness of solving this issue in the management of athletes ' training during the training process and competitive activities is shown

    Організація фізичного виховання школярів спеціальних медичних груп

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    Актуальність дослідження зумовлена невизначеністю системи організації фізичного виховання школярів спеціальних медичних груп. Завдання дослідження – узагальнити досвід теорії й практики з проблеми організації та методики проведення уроків фізичної культури з учнями спеціальних медичних груп. Найбільш ефек-тивний вплив на покращання здоров’я дітей можна здійснювати, проводячи заняття учнів спеціальної медичної групи на уроках фізичної культури, які проводяться окремою підгрупою за розкладом уроків основної медичної групи, та заняття учнів спеціальної медичної групи на уроках фізичної культури, що проводяться в позаурочний час. Отже, на сьогодні не розв’язаною залишається проблема організації уроків фізичної культури з учнями спеціальної медичної групи. Наявні підходи до проведення таких занять мають переваги та недоліки об’єктивного й суб’єктивного характеру. The research actuality is caused by the vagueness of the system of organization of physical education of schoolchildren in special medical groups. Research task: to generalize the experience of theory and practice of organization and methodology of conducting lesson of physical culture with students of special medical groups. The most effective influence on improvement of children health can made by organizing physical culture lessons for schoolchildren in special medical groups which are conducted to a separate group on the lessons curriculum of basic medical group and the lessons for students of the special medical groups which are organized in after-school time. It is consequently that nowadays a problem of organization of physical culture lessons with the students of. special medical groups stays unsolved Existent methods of organization of such lessons have advantages and disadvantages of objective and subjective character

    Технологии дистанционного обучения в системе подготовки специалистов по физической культуре и спорту

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    The features of using of distance learning technologies in the system of preparation of specialists in physical culture and sports. Developed network educational and methodical complex, oriented to support the educational process in high school physical education and the organization of independent work of students.Изучены особенности применения технологий дистанционного обучения в системе подготовки специалистов в сфере физической культуры и спорта. Разработан сетевой учебно-методический комплекс, ориентированный на сопровождение образовательного процесса в вузе физической культуры и организации самостоятельной работы студентов

    Internal motivation for training of students of specialty "Physical culture and sports"

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    У статті розглянуто питання внутрішньої мотивації студентів до навчання, проаналізовано поняття мотивації та внутрішньої мотивації, визначено рівень мотивації до навчання у студентів та розглянуто більш детальне відношення до дисциплін студентів спеціальності "Фізична культура і спорт".In Bologna system of education, training consists of loans, which include contact hours and independent work of students. Therefore, intrinsic motivation is relevant, the student must comply with professional competence, be creative professional tasks, taking pleasure in learning. Students who are intrinsically motivated to study in the field of physical culture and sports, mastering professional skills, knowledge and abilities will be able to more competitiveness in the labor market. So study the problem of internal motivation to learn is relevant. To assess the level of intrinsic motivation in students of specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" was tested by the method of diagnosis for orientation learning motivation by Dubovytskiy T.D. 34 students 4 courses of specialty "Physical culture and sport" NTU "KPI" took part in research. Academic subjects for testing were taken from the curriculum of Bachelor specialty "Physical culture and sport" seventh term: "Theory and methods of teaching basic types of sports activities", "Organization of Physical Culture", "Fundamentals of medical knowledge", "Basic Research", "Information support of physical culture." The internal motivation for learning makes it possible to enjoy the received information and the understanding of its purpose in physical culture and sports. Studying intrinsic motivation for learning in students of specialty "Physical culture and sport", it was found that 60% of students consider obtaining knowledge valuable and interesting because most students intrinsic motivation high level. But 20% of students were found difficulties in study subjects (most of these students because of competitive training regime and miss a lot of classes. They acquire theme on their own, that making it difficult to study the material in the future)

    Internal motivation for training of students of specialty "Physical culture and sports"

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    У статті розглянуто питання внутрішньої мотивації студентів до навчання, проаналізовано поняття мотивації та внутрішньої мотивації, визначено рівень мотивації до навчання у студентів та розглянуто більш детальне відношення до дисциплін студентів спеціальності "Фізична культура і спорт".In Bologna system of education, training consists of loans, which include contact hours and independent work of students. Therefore, intrinsic motivation is relevant, the student must comply with professional competence, be creative professional tasks, taking pleasure in learning. Students who are intrinsically motivated to study in the field of physical culture and sports, mastering professional skills, knowledge and abilities will be able to more competitiveness in the labor market. So study the problem of internal motivation to learn is relevant. To assess the level of intrinsic motivation in students of specialty "Physical Culture and Sports" was tested by the method of diagnosis for orientation learning motivation by Dubovytskiy T.D. 34 students 4 courses of specialty "Physical culture and sport" NTU "KPI" took part in research. Academic subjects for testing were taken from the curriculum of Bachelor specialty "Physical culture and sport" seventh term: "Theory and methods of teaching basic types of sports activities", "Organization of Physical Culture", "Fundamentals of medical knowledge", "Basic Research", "Information support of physical culture." The internal motivation for learning makes it possible to enjoy the received information and the understanding of its purpose in physical culture and sports. Studying intrinsic motivation for learning in students of specialty "Physical culture and sport", it was found that 60% of students consider obtaining knowledge valuable and interesting because most students intrinsic motivation high level. But 20% of students were found difficulties in study subjects (most of these students because of competitive training regime and miss a lot of classes. They acquire theme on their own, that making it difficult to study the material in the future)


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    Sports management is a scientific branch that studies leadership types in institutionalized organizations of physical culture and sports orientation. Physical culture and sports have special means and methods for the directed development of people's physical capacity, beyond just being necessary motor activities. Sports entities such as sports schools, clubs, teams, stadiums, and federations are represented in management theory under physical culture. The concept of organization is essential in sports management, and an organization is a social system of deliberately coordinated activities of two or more people to achieve a common goal. Management is associated with complex organizations that have interdependent objectives and multifunctional activitie

    Modeling club work of sports-related autonomous educational establishments

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    Physical culture and sport as a social institution and as a specific type of professional activity, which renders a strong influence on the development of a healthy society is currently undergoing profound structural and qualitative changes. New approaches to the organization of physical culture education and training process become more popular. The purpose of the present research was to develop and scientifically substantiate the structural and functional model of the content and organization of the activity of sports-related autonomous organizations on the basis of club forms that would provide additional funding for health and fitness activities in these establishments. Currently, it is getting more popular in the management system of physical and sports education to model various aspects of training activity, since the model provides a simplified image of an object or a phenomenon schematized in a certain way. In this study the researchers attempted to develop a structural-functional model of the club physical culture and sports activity in an autonomous educational establishment related to sport. The club forms proposed within the experiment should contribute to additional funding of a sports organization, increase of the quantity and quality of physical culture and sports events held within the structure of specialized children's sport schools, involvement of broad masses of the population in the physical culture and sports activity, enhancement of physical fitness level of students, quality of life related to health of the sports club members

    Креативний простір України та світу. 1.9. Organizing and conducting physical education classes with students of the special medical group in higher education institutions

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    Physical culture is an important tool in the system of education and upbringing of student youth. Formation of the foundations of a healthy lifestyle, organization of active recreation, development and relationship of physical and spiritual strength, rehabilitation and correction of health, development of positive moral and volitional qualitie

    Formação de estratégia como um processo coletivo e múltiplas perspectivas culturais: um estudo qualitativo em uma loja exclusiva de móveis

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    ABSTRACTUnderstanding an organization and its strategy formation processes implies to go beyond its tangible elements, eg, physical structure and product offerings. The organizational complexity demands a deeper understanding to explain some intangibles such as organizational culture. Organizational culture as a system of symbols and meanings (ALVESSONl, 2003), defines how strongly a company conducts its business. Moreover, according to Mintzberg, Ahlstrand and Lampel (2000), the formation of strategy can be seen as a process of social interaction based on common understandings to members of an organization, presenting cultural characteristics. Moreover, considering the studies of Martin and Frost (2001), organizational culture has three different perspectives: the perspectives of integration, differentiation and fragmentation. Through a qualitative research in an exclusive planned furniture store, this study identifies and evaluates the cultural perspectives offered by Martin and Frost, considering the formation of strategy as a collective (cultural) process. The results demonstrate, although the predominance of differentiation perspective (subcultures), its relation to different situations of integration (consensus), and fragmentation (a mixture of consensus and conflict) produces complementary outputs, interfering in various ways to realize the strategies: plan, pattern, position, perspective and trick. From this analysis, this paper provides a better understanding of some cultural elements that underlie the formation of an organization’s strategies, especially when cultural perspectives are considered